The 2011/2012 season of Italian football begins with a first for our country: a stadium owned by a football team. The new stadium for Juventus was the testing ground for the agreement signed with Mondo, whicht has become the Official Supplier of the New Stadium Juventus for the next 5 years. In particular, for the construction of the new facility, Mondo is providing 37,907 seats 9 Mondoseat model for the entire complex. The seats were constructed by placing great emphasis on strict international standards on safety, and are equipped with various devices to fight against tampering and vandalism for the safety of the athletes. In addition to the seats, the company has provided the Alba Surface (One and Decors) for the dressing rooms, warehouse, kindergartens, offices, local public safety and first aid, press offices, the media conference and the dining rooms Mondo has also provided the synthetic grass (Deco 11) for Merchandising and it covers the area between the foothills of the east side (NSF Mondoturf 15), for entry to the VIP area and the edge of the playing field (MondoLandscape).